Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Halloween Hobbies

This last Halloween was the first time I'd carved pumpkins with a serious kit (whittling knife set, some kitchen utensils and a few purposely bent tools) and consequently it was the first time I've ever been impressed with the results. It turns out that I'm quite keen to carve and spent some time over the weekend working on 3 pumpkins, 1 apple and 1 potato. Perhaps I should quit this painting lark and follow a vegetable carving career to get my slice of the pie.

Copyright Robert Catterall  © 2014

The Blobs!

Whilst sorting through old folders I came across this technique I was using to make textures for digital wizardry. Although I can't pin it, there's something I still find interesting in these as abstract shapes and their turnout of colours.

Copyright Robert Catterall  © 2014

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Yet another one off the 'Don't Believe the Type' reel. This time using words from way back in 1996, paying tribute to some golden era.

"I'm using cents to make dollars, but real scholars bring change."
1:56 'Phenomenon', One and One, 1996

Copyright Robert Catterall  © 2014

My Pen and Pad

'Don't Believe the Type' draws up a piece from Blackalicious this time using my own pen and pad. Amazing flows in the original, check it out.

"Back on a journey again, tool is a pad and a pen"
00:10 'My Pen and Pad', Blackalicious, 2005

 Copyright Robert Catterall  © 2014