Sunday, 24 March 2013


  I was lucky enough to have one of my designs chosen from the Great Gorilla Project which I sent in entries a few months ago and have just got back from painting the sculpture in the Guildhall Shopping Centre, Exeter. I was situated in a vacant shop window so that lots of people could view me working, and lots of little kids pulling faces through the glass  : D
  The Whole experience was great fun and am thrilled to have taken part in such an event. I was the first to complete my gorilla so it shall remain on view for a few weeks and slowly be joined by all the other South Devon artist's gorillas.
  It's much better in the flesh so get down for a look while you can and before it's moved from front view.

  There are also lots of other aspects running with this project, one of which will be a miniature trail at the Babbacome Model Village which am excited about.

Here's a few snaps of the finished gorilla . . .

Copyright Robert Catterall  © 2013

Sunday, 3 March 2013

  Here are some teasers of the Paper project including two that didn't make the cut (one of which was my most accurate and accidental self portrait ever). A little late for teasing but you know you love it

Copyright Robert Catterall  © 2013

Paper Publication

  Finished two entries this week for Paper publication. Paper is a small collective in Bristol that has had it's first issue pressed and is out and around showcasing Bristol artists, as well as continuing to hold their gallery space in the town centre, which started in Christmas and is still rolling due to popularity (also I have some prints in their if you happen to be passing by . . .) The theme for the entry was 'future' meaning to illustrate what could possibly happen any time from now. I can't wait to see what everyone else and put in as entries! More excited for that then to see if I get into the next issue.

  My first entry was describing how mankind has played God too long with genetically modified crops which have since then turned back on their creators, forcing humanity to flee from its civilisations and escaping to the safety of true nature, but safe for how long . . . ?

  The second has a pretty different feel but I couldn't resist the pun! When thinking how could one man possibly decide the fate of existence I was struck with the answer, who knows!
  But then wait! Who knows . . . ? Hugh knows! The task cannot fall onto any less worthy than Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall himself.

Copyright Robert Catterall  © 2013